White Marble Chip 1-1/2 inch

White marble chips are a type of decorative landscaping stone that is commonly used to enhance the visual appeal of outdoor spaces such as gardens, walkways, and landscaping features. These chips are made from natural white marble, a metamorphic rock composed primarily of calcium carbonate. They are typically available in various sizes, ranging from small pebbles to larger chunks or chips.

White marble chips have a reflective quality due to their light color, which can help to brighten up shaded areas and make outdoor spaces feel more inviting. The reflective nature of white marble can sometimes create glare in bright sunlight, and they may not be the best choice for high-traffic areas as they can be slippery when wet.

These chips are relatively low-maintenance compared to some other landscaping materials. They do not need frequent replacement, and they can help suppress weed growth when applied in a thick layer.

Before using white marble chips in your landscaping project, it's advisable to plan out your design and consider the overall aesthetic, maintenance requirements, and suitability for the specific area in which you intend to use them.


Uses: White marble chips are often used as ground cover in landscaping projects. They are commonly used to create borders, fill in areas around plants, or cover the soil in flower beds. White marble chips are known for their elegant and timeless appearance. The bright white color of the stone adds a clean and classic look to garden beds, pathways, and other outdoor areas. They can also be used to create contrast and define pathways or driveways.

Coverage: One cubic yard of 1.5-inch white marble chips can cover approximately 162 square feet at a 2-inch depth.

Delivery/Pick-up: At The Yard, we can arrange for delivery of aggregate to your home or job site. It is also available for pick up by the tote (1/3 of a cubic yard), or by the scoop (1 cubic yard).