Make a Carnivorous Plant Bog 2023

Ad with carnivorous bog plants
Date: Saturday, October 7th, 2023
Time: 12:30 PM (EST)
Location:1340 S Wickham Rd,
West Melbourne, FL 32904
Cost: $5.00/person*

Carnivorous plants sold separately with 10% discount.

It's that time of year to explore the creepy side of nature. Join us as we show you how to make a bog with carnivorous plants. 

Carnivorous plants have several benefits and help to create a diverse ecosystem here in Florida. Plants such as the Pitcher plant and Venus Flytrap help control the insect population without the use of pesticides. They also help filter nutrients and maintain water quality in wetland areas.

*NOTE: The Cost includes Peat Moss, Sand, Gravel, recycled bottles & paints for tray and reservoir. Carnivorous plants sold separately with 10% discount.

Carnivorous plants available for purchase:

  • Topical Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes Alata)
  • Purple Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia purpurea “Venosa”)
  • Bug Bat Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia "Bug Bat")
  • Trumpet Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia "Barba Green")
  • Butterwort (Pinguicula primuliflora)
  • Venus Fly Trap (Akai Ryu)
